Unexpected development of escape plan from Underdark prison. We were betrayed and I have no clue how is that possible! But let's start from the beginning...
The big action was about to happen in the two days. I kept asking fellow prisoners about their knowledge of Underdark labyrinth until we made a perfect plan of escape. Basicaly, there are two options where to go if we survive the jump through the spider webs into the dark lake. (Which I was saying from the biginning I do not want to jump to, because there most definitely something is). So if we survive jump into that goddamn lake, we can either head north or west. In the north there are some cities we would maybe want to end up in, but there is also a Draw capital, wehre we really really do not want to go (or encounter anyone going there since it will be mostly our friends Drows). In the west on the other hand is home of Frog Shusha, our friend dark crazy grandpa and the cute mushroom which can telepathically talk into our heads. So we decided for west uder the frog Shusha's leadership since it is safer, leads most of the patry members' homes and the mushroom people probably know the way out of here, to the daylight.
We spent two days negotiating the plan and making preparations. Ella was bullied again at work by that agressive Hyena warden with a whip, so my character swore to kill it at the fitst occasion. I also tried to lockipck the jail door and the chains and failed miserably and destroyed my fork. Hell.
Right before the Action I tried to talk with the Draw murderer who was not communicating with us since the beginning. To my great surprise it turned out that he knows about the plan and wants to join us too. Even though I told everyone not to share the plan with him because I didn't find him trustworthy. He would like to go to Mushroom city and hide there from the law. So I said 'yes'. Whatever. We can use the guide. And I also really enjoy having him around since my boyfriend perfectly roleplays his character, hehe. Before, we were trying to get him to talk with us by seducing him, but both - dwarven girl and Rufus - were surprisingly not successful. Now when he finally talks, he can show us a way through the Underdark. Hopefully he will not betray us.
So the time was comming. We all prepared ourselves for the moment of escape. The siluette of a Draw appeared behind the doors and whispered 'Are you ready? The time has come...' We were so excited that we did not even breath.
In that moment two another siluettes appeared behind him. He noticed them and looked surprised. It was guards. Even more surprised he was when another guards appeared from left and right. He was sorrounded and fatallz overnumbered. 'On your knees, traitor!' Shouted the voice from behind and in our sights appeared the highest Drow woman. Apparently the very one he planned to get into the trouble. And she looked super pissed... We were horryfied. This did not look like an escape anymore...
'How could you plot against your own people? Kneel before your queen!'
'Yes, my lady,' hissed our man and kneeled before her.
She raised her sword and with one slash she has cut his head off.
In front of our eyes.
Our man. Our only hope, after I destroyed the lockpicking fork. Aaaaaaghhh!! Daaaamn iiiit!!
His body fell on the cold ground and the blood flooded the place. We were stunned. And in that moment the most terrifying inhuman scream cut through the air.
The banch of weird beatle-looking flying creatures stormed into the cave chased by two black demons. They noticed the Draw group and immediately attacked. What followed was a total chaos. Draws were shooting demons. Deamons were chasing beatles. Beatles were attacking the Draws. It was a mess full of blood and fire. And one of these giant carnivourus beatles was thrown into the wall of our prison and got stuck in the hole in the bars which it made with its fall. Suddenly, he was the only thing that was deviding us from escape. Which was great and tragic in the same time, because we did not have any wepons or anything to make our way through...
'So what are you doing?' asked my boyfriend, ' Are you doing something or just standing there with PTSD?'
Aaaaghh!! OMG! Ella is no hero!! What the hell is she supposed to do with demonic creature stuck into the hole? Tickle it? My friends prisoners however without much thinking rolled the dice for an attack since they are apparently braver than me and with lucky 20 lynched the creature just using bare hands and peaces of rock. Through the rage of battle we sneaked unnoticed into the storage room. There we grabbed our stuff and while shouting 'Geronimo' we jumped into the lake.
We had to fly past several spider webs first. Ella made it safely into the water but several others got stuck in the webs. Some of those who fell into the water suddenly disappeared, like they would be drown down from underneath. OMG. I knew that. I knew something was living there!! It was one of the dark-gnome kids who started to drown and our friend Frog rushed there to help, but he immediately disappeared too.
Hell no! I don't want back into that water! I was waiting until this point hoping that the situation will solve itself and people either drown or get eaten really quickly. Unfortunatelly, the problem did not solve itself. Ella swore and jumped back into the water with the knife in her teeth. She was not happy about it at all, also because swimming in chains in the dark lakes full of monsters does not belong to her favorite activities, but to hell with that all, nothing will try to drown little dark-gnome kids and our Frog! (Hopefully, they are really friends and not shapeshiters and spies).
After I swam few meters I suddenly felt something entengling my leg and pulling down with great strenght. In panic I slashed with my sword under the water and cut off giant tenticle. I reached the place where my friends were drowning and after a short fight managed to cut off these tenticles too and free my fellows. Another tenticle however grabbed my leg strongly and with one quick move pulled me under the water. I was slashing my sword around me but without any effect. I was drown deeper and deeper until I reached the bottom of the lake. I was feeling how the last air escapes from my lungs. In that moment I saw in front of me one gigantic eye sorrounded by tenticals. To my horror under the eye opened gigantic mouth full of sharp teeth. Ella was apparently about to be eaten. I slashed my sword with the last desperate energy she had left. And again. And again. Suddenly the grip released and I was free. With last desperate dedication I made it again up above the water. I swam to the land and stayed laying there for few moments, just trying to catch the breath. I guess Ella is going to hate swimming from some time since now.
There was however not much time to spend. We had to run. The Draws have certainly already noticed what happened and they are surely after us. And they know the terrain. We got up and continued running through the tunnel direction west. The hunt has started.
Now I just keep wondering how come our that plan got discovered by Draws? There must be traitor among us. But who? The Draw assassin? That would be too obvious... Moreover, he wants to go to Mushroom city to hide from other Draws, he has no interest to get discovered. Hopefully. He could also lead us into the trap and gain mercy for himself. Or is it dark-gnome gambler? Ella liked him since the beginning, he is funny and friendly. But he also warned us that he sensed something weird about these dark-gnome kids which were in prison too. Is it a tactics? Or are these kids something else than they seem to be? And what about this creature which claimes to be elf-prince transformed by dark magic into the beast-form? Is that just fairy-tale, cover story? I would feel like the biggest idiot if it was and I believed it... And there was something between him and this Orc prisoner, who was than fed to spiders. No-one can be trusted. This will be really great escpe when we are not certain with our own people. I really wonder how are we going to make it...