September has been crazy month. Not only because of starting a new job, moving to the new city and finding a flat, but also because my three closest female friends got married. All of them are like sisters to me, even though biologicaly it is true only about one. And here they are. Coecidently picking the same year, even the month, for their big ceremony. And it makes me think and reflect. Each event was so different, one can hardly believe.
Firstly, here is my sister. She had Catholic ceremony in the village close to Prague and with her husband they have invited almost four hundred guests. F.o.u.r. h.u.n.d.r.e.d. Really. Beer and vine and hard liquers was being drunk in liters, delicious food was for free and people were dancing swing. With my boyfriend we have never seen something like this and we had such a great time. Literally everyone was there. It was wild, it was fantastic, it was so unbelievable that my brain could not even comprehend it. People from all different social groups have met. Ceremony was really beautiful and touching. Priests were dancing. Parents were dancing. Grantparents were watching. People were celebrating until the morning. It was wedding to be remembered.
Second one was my closest friend. We know each other since childhood. We were sitting next to each other in colleage. We drunk so many beers together that it cannot be counted. She and her now husband has visited me in all my travel destination, during last unsettled three years. Her wedding was oposite to my sister's. It was beautiful and decent civil ceremony in the nature with the closest friends and family. She was wearing magnificent dress. No games, no dancing, everything peaceful and in syle. I have deep sympathy for this approach. It is funny how different can be something, which is basically the same thing...
Third one was my second closest friend. We have went together through the uni. We were there celebrating after exams with beer and cigar. Together we were checking out guys, going for beer and partying as crazy. And I did not get invited to her wedding. I found out accidentaly from our mutual friend's facebook. She even stopped responding to my e-mails, through which we were keeping in touch since I have left my country. I was feeling incredibly sad. How can that be, that someone stops to care, just like that? Throws away all good what used to be? Forgets the old friends? We were literally like sisters and one is twenty only once in life. I would understand, if she wanted to have wedding only for people that she meets reguraly. I can respect that. But not to write at all is completely different story. It is such a pity. I can't understand what happened. Was she like this from the beginning? Was it me, seeing deep friendship in something which was not there? Or did she change so much? What is wrong? I should probably have been more authentic sometimes, also more strict and differentionated. But we all need some time to mature. I have never even thought about not inviting her to my wedding one day. It is really sad.
So it makes me really think. Relationships change so much in time. It is crazy. Some struggle. Some fall apart. But there are people like my friend from second example. Companions in crime who are in for life, not forgetting you once you are temporarily out of sight. Even forgiving me for not being able to make it in person to the wedding ceremony because I was not excused from my job. This is real friendship. And I can't be grateful enough for that.