I was sitting on the sofa listening to my boss's bullshit. He likes me, he says. Because according to him I am a good person. (Am I?) He wants to be honest with me. He wants me to clean for him every day all day and he will give me good money. (Will he, really?) One would assume that fair waige comes automatically since otherwise it would be illegal. Haha! Wrong wrong wrong! The true is that my current employer has strong habit to talk you to your death. He is good Muslim. He does not scum anyone. Do I understand that he has a point? Do I understand that if I would work quicker he would give me more money?
Well, I do not understand. What I do not understand is that I have been working full time five days in a week, cleaning as crazy from 9:30 to 5:00 and on Friday got only one hundred pounds with explanations and excuses that I will get the rest maybe some other time. Other time never came. People forget quickly as it seems. Next week it was again accompanied with reminder that I needed to stay longer. For less then four pounds per hour. Cleaning toilets and showers. Of course.
So I prepared. I raised demand. Eight pounds per hour or I go. It was probably one of the most straightforward things I did in my life so far. And God! It worked!! I could not believe it. He agreed. He explained he was my friend, not my boss. He has a deal for me. He gives me money and I should not tell anyone. Because he has also other employees. But he needs me. He can't afford to lose me now because others just left for two weeks holidays and in two weeks the work needs to be done. This was followed by monologue about how fair he is because he gives people what they deserve. If he would not be a good person, God would not give him this fantastic fortune. Yes. I thought. Because if God would not want these people to be skinned, he would not have made them sheep. The words of villain Calvera from old Hollywood movie Magnificent Seven movie fitted this situation perfectly.
God. Sometimes I just can't help it not being shocked.
Now I am sitting at the sofa at my home. I have one houndred and fifty pounds for a work for a last week. I had also pleasure to enjoy another speach on the topic how honest I am and how he loves me for that. But that I need to understand him, because he is also honest. Blah blah blah. I can't help but smile imagining his face tomorrow when he realizes how miserably mistaken he was in me. And starting tomorrow he can do this shitty job for shitty money himself.