My favourite month is starting. From now until September, every month is my favorite. Even though, I am tired to death today. We were watching Reverend yesterday evening. I confess I was a chicken. After watching 15 minutes of DiCaprio being eaten by a bear my boyfriend wisely suggested watching comedy movie instead. So we were enjoying my favorite Kevin Spacy being turned into very grumpy cat when approximately at two in the morning someone quietly knocked on our window.
Neither of us admitted we heard anything, just our hearts stopped beating.
Knock knoc.
My boyfriend turned to me and we were starring at each other.
Knock knock.
'It is neighbours,' I said.
Knock knock. It was most definitely not on neighbour's door.
'This is weird and creepy,' said my boyfriend.
Knock knock. On our window.
Knock knock.
And than door alarm.
At two in the morning.
My fantasy was full of strenglers, kidnappers, police, blackmailers, drug addicts, mafia, debt collectors, devils, witches and bears.
My mum also once told me the most terryfining story about the guy knocking on their door when she was young and begging them to save his life from murderer who was approaching him from behind. I remembered it in this occasion very vividly. My boyfriend also did not look very happy, however he was not wearing much clothes, so at least he had an excuse to stay where he was.
I went out of the bed, proceeded to the door and saw...
...our Spanish friend from next street smoking and dying from laughter.
At two in the morning.
Apparently, he had the bad day. Not anymore.
He could not sleep, so he went in his pyjamas for a walk.
Good that we made a day little bit better for him. I will probably remember this forever.
We made it to the bed after three. So I am tired as a dog today...